Tamara Landau

Psychoanalyst and Sculptor

Tamara Landau is a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist, sculptor and writer, editor of psychoanalytical publications, founding member of the Paris-based Société de Psychanalyse Freudienne and founder of the research group MnemoArt –art, psychoanalysis and science– mnemoart.org.

Tamara Landau leads research seminars at the Société de Psychanalyse Freudienne in Paris.

After a ten-year-long practice with drug-addicts and alcoholic patients in a clinic, she has been carrying out research for thirty years on the origin of addiction to food with female anorexic and bulimic patients in psychoanalytic treatment.

With the passing of time, she has found out that the causes of this addiction are unconscious anxieties linked with reminiscences of their fetal life. This has prompted her to elaborate the theories of the Enclave and of the Inverted Tree, which make it possible to explain and treat eating disorders using analytical therapy.

Subsequently, clinical research with pregnant women and applicants for medically assisted procreation (MAP) has enabled her to tackle the origin of the anguish of death linked with endogenous traumas experienced by all mothers during pregnancy and at childbirth.

Hence, she recommends listening carefully to pregnant or infertile women’s anxieties and fantasies, which helps avert certain pregnancy accidents (miscarriages, premature deliveries and Caesarean sections) and certain psychic and behavioral disorders arising in the child, adolescent and later adult.

She is engaged in a dialogue with researchers of I.N.S.E.R.M. and C.N.R.S. on the subject of her hypotheses, so as to create a bridge between psychoanalysis and neurosciences.

On this site you will find a list of her publications and the introduction, images and making-of of her books, which have been published in Italian and Spanish since 2015.



Tuesday, 20 octobre, 2020

Live en direct avec Mônica Véras, Salvador – Brasil

Dr Mônica Véras, psychanalyste et directrice du NAPSI, Institution de formation psychanalytique à Salvador de Bahia, invite Tamara Landau pour un Live le 20 octobre 2020 en direct à 11h (Salvador do Brasil) – 16h (Paris).

Thème : “La souffrance psychologique de la vie foetale”

Youtube Mônica Véras Psicanalista

En direct le 20 octobre à 11h Salvador do Brasil – 16h à Paris.

Saturday, 19 September, 2020, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Meeting in Montpellier, Association Lacanienne Internationale Languedoc-Roussillon

Tamara Landau is invited by Frederique F. Berger, psychoanalyst and researcher, for a one day workshop about her latest   book “Delivering and giving birth” at Montpellier with the Association Lacanien International (ALI) Languedoc-Roussillon.

Association Mas des Moulins
2452 Avenue du Père Soulas, 34090 Montpellier
Tram 1 : Arrêt Château d’Ô.

Contact : Frédérique F. Berger –  frederiquefberger@gmail.com

27 February, 2020 at 9 pm

Jeudi d’Insistance – Book Presentation

Meeting-discussion with Tamara LANDAU about her lastest book Delivering and Giving Birth (Accoucher et faire naître. Dialogues et séparations durant la grossesse, Imago, 2019) as part of the “Jeudis d’Insistance” in Paris.

Jeudis d’Insistance, Paris, 14 rue de Birague

16 february, 2020

Meeting with Valerio Grassi

Tamara Landau was  in Italy with Valerio Grassi, Senior researcher in New York University and in CERN (Geneva) with Higgs (Nobel) on the bosons, for organizing  an event MnemoArt (Art, psychoanalysis and Science) during 2020 in Paris about her concept of “The Inverted Tree” between psychoanalysis and quantum physic.

à gauche Valerio Grassi, Tamara Landau au centre et Jean-Pierre Landau

Thursday, 16 January, 2020 – 9:15 pm

Meeting with Tamara Landau – Société de Psychanalyse Freudienne, Paris

Meeting-discussion with Tamara LANDAU about her lastest book Delivering and Giving Birth (Accoucher et faire naître. Dialogues et séparations durant la grossesse, Imago, 2019)

Patrick AVRANE, président de la SPF, Patrick GUYOMARD, vice-président de la SPF, Marie-José SOUBIEUX, pedo-psychiatre et psychanalyste

Société de Psychanalyse Freudienne,
23, rue Campagne-Première, 75014 PARIS

Thursday, 2 January, 2020

Meeting with Noam Sobel

Tamara Landau met Noam Sobel, Head of Neurobiology Department in Weizmann Institute (Rehovot, Israel) for discussing about her hypotheses on “The primitive placentar bond”. 

Friday, December 13, 2019 – 8:30 pm

Meeting in Tours
– Une Bibliothèque Pour la Psychanalyse
(A Library for Psychoanalysis)

Marta Pepe and the association Une Bibliothèque pour la Psychanalyse are inviting Tamara LANDAU to a lecture entitled How to Avert a Number of Diseases in the Child, Adolescent and Adult during Pregnancy.

with the participation of Mrs Cléopâtre Athanassiou-Popesco, child psychoanalyst, member of the SPP (Société Psychanalytique de Paris).

To the left Dr. Marta Pepe, center Tamara Landau , right, Mrs Cléopâtre Athanassiou-Popesco

The lecture’s venue is Salle CRAPI – 16, rue de la Pierre 37100 TOURS.

Une Bibliothèque Pour La Psychanalyse
46, Rue de la Fosse Marine 37100 TOURS

Due to strikes, presentation postponed to 2020, the date will be fixed later.
Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 9:15 pm

Lecture On Anorexia and Bulimia from a Feminine Viewpoint, SPF (Society of Freudian Psychoanalysis) – Paris

Tamara Landau is invited to speak about Anorexia and Bulimia from a Feminine Viewpoint by Sylvie Sesé-Léger and Éliane Allouch, during their seminar On the Feminine, from Freud to Our Times at the Société de Psychanalyse Freudienne in Paris.

Société de Psychanalyse Freudienne,
23, rue Campagne-Première, 75014 PARIS
Tuesday, 3 December, 2019

Edition of the journal Insistance n°15

Edition of the Journal Insistance n°15  “Why the hate.Think the world with Alain Didier-Weill” in which Tamara Landau contributed with a paper “The Blue Note and (pro)creation”.

Éditions Érès
33 avenue Marcel Dassault 31500 Toulouse
Monday, 2 December, 2019

New issue of Lacunae n°19, Dublin

Edition of Lacunae n°19, the International Journal of Lacanien psychoanalysis of APPI (Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland ) in which Tamara Landau contributed with a paper “Creativity and the symbolic structuring of time and desire after Winnicott and Dolto”.

Lacunae – Psychoanalytic Journal
APPI Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland

7 November, 2019 – 8 pm

Lacanoamerican Convention, la Plata

Tamara Landau speaks at the Lacanoamerican Convention at la Plata, Argentina.

la Plata,
Av. 7834 La Plata,
Salón Jockey Multiespacios

5 November, 2019, 9-11 am

Argentinian Psychoanalytical Association

Doctor Tamara Landau presents: Fetal Life and Formation of Autistic Enclaves and Psychic and Behavioral Disorders in the Child, Adolescent and Adult.
Coordinator: Doctor Hilda Catz PhD.

Screening of Tamara Landau’s videos.

Department of Children and Adolescents

Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina, Rodriguez Peña 1674, Buenos Aires CABA

2 November, 2019, 7:30 pm

Actualidad & Psicoanálisis on Canal Metro and Argentinísima

Tamara Landau, TV program hosted by Doctor Luisa Kremer in Actualidad & Psicoanálisis on Canal Metro and Argentinísima.

I was invited once more by Doctor Luisa Kremer to her program Current Topics & Psychoanalysis in Buenos Aires. The program will be aired Saturday, 2 November on Channel Metro and Sunday, 3 November at 3 pm on Channel Argentinísima Satelital. Later, it will appear on Metro’s Youtube channel.

Watch it on youtube

Canal Metro TV, Argentina

25 and 26 October, 2019

Yearly Open Days – Argentinian Psychoanalytical Association

Hilda Catz, Head of the Department of Children and Adolescents of the Argentinian Psychoanalytical Association (A.P.A.), is inviting Tamara Landau to the Yearly Open Days of A.P.A. that will be held in Buenos Aires on 25 and 26 October…

Claudia Borensztejn, présidente de l’APA, Dr Liliana Kaplan chercheur INSERM, Hilda Catz, responsable enfants et adolescents APA, Tamara Landau, Marcelo Viñar, président APU (Association Psychanalytique Uruguay)

Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina,
Rodriguez Peña 1674, Buenos Aires CABA

20 October, 2019

Release of the second edition of the book
Delivering and Giving Birth in Buenos Aires (Spanish edition)

Release of the second revised and supplemented edition of the book Delivering and Giving Birth by Tamara Landau in the Spanish version Dar a Luz, Dar Vida. Diálogos y Separaciones durante el Embarazo published by Ricardo Vergara, Buenos Aires.

Ricardo Vergara Ediciones,
Buenos Aires, Argentina

– See all events 2019